1. ExpoImaging is an inventive company that has developed a number of clever devices, including the Rogue Grid.

2. The Rogue Grid is perfect for adding hair light with an off-camera flash or to shoot small products; and macro photographers will like how precisely it casts light right where they want it.

3. Small enough to carry in your pocket or a small compartment in your camera bag, the Rogue Grid is definitely an on-the-go photography tool. Its dimensions are only 3.6" x 1.2" (92mm x 30mm) and weighs a mere 3.5 oz. (100g).

4. The Rogue Grid kit includes two grid sections and a round bezel to secure them, so you can use them separately or together. One grid creates a 25º beam, the other a 45º beam. Stack one on top of the other, and with the spaces between the grid patterns aligned identically, you then have a third grid that casts a narrow 16º beam. Insert the grid sections you want to use into the strap that is included in the kit. Then, attach it to your flash. The kit also comes with a carrying case.

5. Creative lighting effects that traditionally could only be used in a studio can now be part of your shooting repertoire anywhere. The Rogue Grid works like a flash snoot, but is much more versatile and professional looking than a homemade job.

6. With a Rogue Grid section attached to your flash, you can accurately control a small portion of its light, producing a beam that illuminates a specific part of an image.

7. The Grid not only directs the light exactly where you want it, but also blocks the rest of the light your flash produces from hitting your subject or scene. The strap works so well that photographers report very little, if any, loss of light. This is an essential feature, as it means you will have a much better idea of what the image will look like, without spending time taking and reviewing test shots.

8. The magic of the Rogue Grid is in the honeycomb pattern of each section. The actual angle of the grid controls the size of the circle of light that comes from your flash. A smaller angle creates a small circle and a large angle a larger circle.

9. The people at ExpoImaging were also smart enough to make the Rogue Grid compatible with its Flashbender products, which are small bendable reflectors. Attach the Rogue Grid to the small Flashbender reflector to create another variety of snoot. (You have to buy the small Flashbender separately at $30.)

To learn more about Flashbenders, read the PhotographyTalk.com article, 10 Reasons You’ll Bend Over Backwards for Rogue Flashbenders.

10.ExpoImaging’s Rogue Grid kit retails for $49.95.

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