Lightroom Classic CC was just updated by Adobe to version 7.2.

That's exciting news for a variety of reasons.

Not only does this new version sport some handy new features (which we'll highlight in a moment), but it also has support for more cameras and lenses and addresses some bug issues.

But best of all, version 7.2 has improved performance so you can get your processing done in shorter order and with fewer spinning wheels of death.

In the video above, Lightroom Blog gives a quick overview of some of the new features in this version of Lightroom and discusses some of the performance enhancements as well.

For a discussion of some of the changes, keep on reading below!

New Features

YouTube Screenshot/Lightroom Blog

Lightroom Classic CC 7.2 has some new filters that you can apply in Loupe View - "Has Edit" and "Doesn't Have Edit."

As you might have guessed, clicking "Has Edit" filters all the images in the collection to include just those that you've edited. "Doesn't Have Edit" filters out the edited images so you can see which ones you have left to work on. You can even make Smart Collections of edited and unedited photos using these filters.

When viewing filtered images in Loupe View in version 7.2, you'll notice that as you scroll through, images appear much faster thanks to the new performance enhancements.


Editor's Tip: After you edit your images, complete the process by turning your photos into fine art. Find out how.


YouTube Screenshot/Lightroom Blog

Another interesting new feature is that Adobe has added a search bar specifically to search in your folders, which enables you to search for things just like you would search for keywords or collections.

YouTube Screenshot/Lightroom Blog

Speaking of collections, in the Map Module, you can now create a collection based on location.

Just right-click on a pin on the map and select "Create Collection" to instantly add all the photos taken at that spot into one group.

Get a complete rundown of Lightroom Classic CC version 7.2 updates here.

Learn More:


As for Performance Improvements...

The under-the-hood improvement to Lightroom's speed has everything to do with batch processing.

Specifically, if you have a computer with 12GB of RAM or more with a multi-core CPU, you'll find better performance when import grid loading, import and preview generation, and exporting.

Additionally, version 7.2 speeds up the process of viewing images in Loupe View, merging photos for HDR and panoramas, and rendering adjustments made in Develop mode.

Beyond that, this new version of Lightroom also resolves the issue of the program getting slower and slower with time, which should be evident regardless of how much RAM or the kind of CPU your computer has.

As someone that uses Lightroom on a regular basis, the new features are great, but the improved performance is what's really got me excited - and should have you excited as well.

Via Adobe