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Article: description: Use these easy tips to improve your landscape photography and increase your chances of capturing beautiful, epic landscapes.

Photo by RobertBreitpaul via iStock

If you're like me, you're always looking for ways to improve your photography. As it should be! Photography isn't a pursuit that ends at some point when you know everything. Instead, it's a lifelong opportunity to learn, grow, and change, all in an effort to become a better photographer.

So, while I've got a lot of years behind the lens, that doesn't stop me from continuing to learn from other photographers.

One of my favorites is Nigel Danson.

Nigel is an incredibly gifted photographer and a great teacher to boot, so his video below is a fantastic resource for brushing up on some very important landscape photography skills.

One of the first tips Nigel doles out is to not stick with the first composition you create.

While it might result in a pleasing photo, by moving around and looking for additional ways to capture the scene, you might very well find an even better composition.

And it's not like this trick takes a lot of time or effort! Literally walking a few feet to the left or right can change the look and feel of a landscape photo.

So, as you compose your shots, give yourself some variation in terms of how you compose them. You'll end up with much more varied photos!

Also take note of Nigel's discussion about focal length and composition. While many of your landscape shots might be taken with a wide-angle lens, using a standard or telephoto lens gives you other equally pleasing options for photographing landscapes.

Really, it's all about practice and experimentation - the more you're out there with your camera, the better your images will become!

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