Image Credit: jacoblund via iStock

Photography Background A.K.A Backdrop

When you think of studio photography and backdrops, it's easy to assume that you simply set up the backdrop and start pressing the shutter button.

However, to assume that is a big mistake.

If you want the best results (who doesn't?!) there are a few quick and easy tips you need to follow.

Pay Attention to the Little Details

The whole point of having a beautiful portrait backdrop is to create a clean, polished look that transports the subject to another place.

You can't do that if you frame the shot with the ends of the backdrop showing.

It's little details like that that can turn an otherwise pleasing shot into a total failure.

But don't just keep in mind the horizontal width of the backdrop - consider the vertical height as well.

You certainly don't want the top of the backdrop to show, but you also don't want the bottom of it to show, either.

The same principle goes for floors you utilize in studio portraits. Make sure you've composed the image such that the backdrop and the floor extend beyond the width and height of the shot.

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Photoshoot Background - Consider the Angles

When using a studio backdrop, you might be inclined to take photos from eye-level.

However, if you compose your images from a lower or a higher vantage point, you can create much different looks.

For example, if you take a shooting position that's above the model's eye level, you can create an image that focuses more on the model's face as opposed to their body.

What's more, this angle tends to have a slimming effect on adults, and when photographing children, it emphasizes their small stature.

Alternatively, you can take a lower-than-eye-level shooting position to create a portrait that has a much more authoritative vibe, as shown above.

Because the camera is below the model's eye-level, they seem larger than life and powerful. 

The trick to using this camera angle is to beware of how it makes the model look - it often exaggerates the size of their body.

The key, of course, is to simply experiment. Don't just rely on eye-level shots!

Invest in a High-Quality Backdrop

It can be appealing when you're on a budget to buy a cheap backdrop to save money.

The problem with this strategy is twofold - first, a cheap backdrop will look cheap, and second, cheap backdrops aren't going to last, so you'll just end up buying another backdrop sooner rather than later.

A better strategy is to make an investment in a high-quality backdrop that not only looks great but will give you long-lasting performance over the years.

And for my money, the best place to find such a backdrop is Click Props Backdrops.

What's so great about Click Props Backdrops is that they've managed to create elegant, durable, and easy-to-use backdrops that don't break the bank.

That's a combination of features that any photographer will love!

These backdrops are made of heavy-duty vinyl that's durable, wrinkle-resistant, and can be cleaned up with a wet rag. Yes! Even a soaking wet rag! Imagine doing that to a painted or cloth backdrop...the shoot would be over.

But not with Click Props Backdrops. Wipe up and keep shooting. That’s time and money in your pocket!

Not only that, they are lightweight and easy to set up - get your backdrop with a series of 12 reinforced grommets at the top for easy hanging or omit the grommets and get their easy-to-use MAGNA-fix (magnet) system or add the backdrop to a roller system for even faster scene changes.

Either way, you can easily swap out the backdrop to give your clients more looks.

Something else that makes Click Props Backdrops the ideal choice for your studio photography needs is the sheer size of their selection.

Whether you want a background that looks like wallpaper, a forest, an abstract scene, or something in between, you'll find what you want in their collection.

It's also important to note that the Click Props Backdrops team isn't just in it to sell products.

In fact, Kat Armendariz, who is a studio photographer from Las Vegas, initially got involved with Click Props as a customer.

She was so impressed with her backdrops that she came on as the U.S. distributor for Click Props Backdrops. That's not a bad testimonial for these backdrops!

Creating gorgeous portraits requires a lot of different elements to go just right.

You need to have an eye for composition, understand angles, and have a beautiful backdrop to enhance the shot.

If you can tick all those boxes, you'll be in a great position to produce images that have wonderful visual appeal.

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