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Article: description: The client experience is key to building a successful photography brand - you need your clients to come back over and over again. Offering many types of prints will help you do that!

One key to running a successful photography business is the photography client experience. If your clients don’t have positive experiences, it hurts you in multiple ways. For starters, they won’t contract your services or buy products from you again. On top of that, they certainly aren’t going to recommend you to anyone they know. Ouch! Ouch! 

So, how do you avoid this grim scenario? This article will teach you!

We’ll share how offering various print options is a surefire way to enhance the photography client experience. In addition, we’ll recommend a printing company to help you along the way. Keep reading to learn how to better satisfy your clients! 

Table of Contents

Understanding Client Preferences

Understanding your client's unique needs and preferences is one of the best ways to create a positive photography client experience. At the end of the day, the motivation behind every client purchase is different, so you must recognize that diversity and adapt your photography business accordingly.

Offering various product and service options that align with different tastes and needs is an easy way to accomplish this. For example, if you have an online store integrated into your website, you should sell a wide selection of high-quality prints. You could also have different service packages tailored toward luxury vs budget clients.

How do you identify your clients' preferences? We recommend collecting as much customer feedback as possible. Feedback tells you what your clients want and can help you discover your business's strengths and weaknesses. Post-order/post-project questionnaires and email newsletters are great times to ask for feedback. 

Personalization and Customization Helps Enhance the Photography Client Experience

Besides simply offering your clients different styles of photography prints, you want them to be able to customize and personalize their orders. One company that stands out in this regard and can drastically improve the photography client experience is Artbeat Studios

They are an innovative online printing lab known for their luxury prints, state-of-the-art printing technology, friendly and professionally-trained staff, affordable prices, and fast nationwide shipping. Regarding printing mediums, they deliver high-quality metal, canvas, acrylic, and paper prints.

Artbeat Studios also allows clients to customize their orders further by selecting their prints' size, surface, frame, and wall mount. Additionally, they have two programs specifically designed for photography businesses: print-on-demand dropshipping and loyalty pricing.

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Enhancing the Photography Client Experience Through Visual Appeal

Letting your clients personalize their print medium, surface, etc., has multiple benefits. The first is that it gives them a sense of power and choice all consumers crave. The more they feel in control, the more likely they are to pull the trigger and make purchases. Second, it allows them to choose a style and look that best matches the design and atmosphere of their home and office (or wherever else they plan to showcase their prints). 

Moreover, every medium and surface offers unique strengths that complement different types of images and make them more visually appealing. For example, acrylic and metal prints boost contrast and colors, making them perfect for landscape and travel photography. In contrast, paper and canvas prints emit a gentle, warm feeling that pairs well with portraits.

The two most popular surfaces are glossy and matte. Glossy prints boast superior sharpness and vibrance but can produce unwanted reflections and glare when displayed in sunny locations. On the other hand, matte prints have a soft, non-reflective finish that is ideal for outdoor display and black-and-white images.

Use Print Options as a Vehicle for Client Education

Another advantage of selling various print options is that it gives you the perfect opportunity to show off your photography knowledge and build trust with clients. Communicating clearly with your clients during or after a photography session and outlining their print options (and their benefits) boosts client confidence in you and makes them feel more cared for.

Discussing print options on your website is also an excellent idea. You can create a dedicated print options page or include it in an easy-to-find FAQ guide. Clients can then refresh their memories before ordering, or if you can’t chat with them in person, they can educate themselves to ensure they get the right fit.

Remember, an educated client is likely to make informed decisions that align with their expectations, preferences, budget, etc. Meeting (or exceeding!) those expectations is a fantastic way to enhance the photography client experience and satisfy customer needs.

Fostering Long-Term Relationships is Key to the Survival of Your Business

Ultimately, one of the main goals of every photography business is to have satisfied clients, and providing them with a diverse range of buying options is an easy way to consistently achieve that goal. The happier clients are, the more likely they are to be repeat customers, which are crucial to your business's long-term success and survival.

Other terrific ways to foster stronger client relationships include maintaining ongoing communication, being transparent and flexible, delivering what you promise, and staying positive. 

Personalized print experiences and a loyal customer base also help you generate new clients since they are more likely to recommend your business to friends and family in person or on their social media accounts. A healthy ratio of old and new customers is the best way to ensure your photography business produces consistent income

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