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Article: description: To learn nude photography - particularly artistic nude photography - requires you to commit yourself to artistic thinking and the process of taking a well thought out image.

Photo by Lola Russian from Pexels

One of the first things we tend to do when we start to learn nude photography is to try out our hand at artistic nude photography. It’s exciting, it’s new, and we really want to create art. It’s that desire to make real art that will drive us to try new things and master new techniques as we learn nude photography. 

When we search for nude photography tips, many of the results will be showing us tips and techniques that prompt us to look at the artistic side of nude imaging. A nice side effect of our guided photographic self-education is that as we learn nude photography techniques and methods, we are already learning tips that apply to artistic nude photography.

What Makes A Nude Artistic?

As we learn nude photography and adapt lighting, posing, focus, exposure, and composition techniques, we’re being artistic. The things that make an image have the label artistic attached to them have more to do with methods than with subject matter. 

Any subject can be transformed into fine art photography, from landscapes and cityscapes, to still life, portraits, and even product images. Variations of lighting, exposure, composition, and post processing can be used to make this happen. If it looks “special” compared to a standard view, we can label it artistic. Learn more about nude photoshoot ideas on our website

What Variations Are Artistic?

Let’s take one extremely useful technique and play with that a little as we learn nude photography. Rembrandt Lighting is one of the most discussed portrait lighting configurations and has been since before photography was even invented.

Rembrandt Lighting is a variation of the Chiaroscuro technique of creating and manipulating contrast within the image. To learn nude photography with Chiaroscuro, it can be helpful to work in Black & White. 

Photo by nappy from Pexels

The contrasts between light and dark are very noticeable in B&W images, so as we learn nude photography methods that work with Chiaroscuro, we can readily notice the differences of what works and what doesn’t. You can also check nude photographys here.

You can adapt what you’re using in regular nude imaging to your artistic nude photography by simply changing one or two things at a time. For instance, if you are setting up your lights for the portrait lighting configurations you already know, just change up the position or power level of the lights until you see more visual contrast. 

Then, adapt your exposure techniques to take advantage of the changed lighting, perhaps exposing for a low key effect where shadows dominate as opposed to averaging or high key.

Artistic Thinking to Learn Nude Photography

Photo by Julia Kuzenkov from Pexels

Since any subject can be transformed into an artistic image with simply a few changes, a fantastic method to get started with artistic nude photography is to keep on with your continuing fine efforts to learn nude photography in standard situations. 

Really, aren’t we being artistic with any portrait, nude, or figure study? Look for whatever you can do to make the image differ from what might be considered standard or the norm. You can also view another post about nude shoot at this place.

Sure, some ideas may not ever see the light of day or social media, but that’s all part of the fun of what happens as you learn nude photography. Keep on looking at your subject with an eye towards making the subject stand out. You’ll enjoy the learning process!