Product: Brand Name: QTAlbums
Product: description: Journal ArtBook
Product: image url:
Product: title: Journal ArtBook
Video: url:
Video: description: How to set up a Photography Portfolio isn't as difficult as one might think. Every photographer needs a portfolio to showcase their work to potential clients. And I’m not just talking about an online portfolio, either. There’s real value in having a hard copy of your portfolio - something your clients can see and touch for themselves. But what makes a good portfolio?
Video: headline: How to set up a Photography Portfolio - Tips for Making a Photography Portfolio in 2020
Article: main image URL:
Article: description: Not sure how to set up a photography portfolio? Get some beginner tips in this photography portfolio tutorial!

 photo by milindri via iStock

All of the down time you’re currently facing is no excuse to let your photography exercises fall by the wayside. In fact, it could be a phenomenal time to update (or create) your photography portfolio. 

Making a photography portfolio can be overwhelming if you’ve never made one before and it can be just as overwhelming if you’re simply trying to update yours, so we created this photography portfolio tips article to help. 

I’m always a fan of having a photography portfolio on my website, but I think it is equally as important to have a physical photography portfolio so you can show potential clients your work on the spot. All of these tips for making a portfolio can be applied to both.

Understand the Goals of Your Photography Portfolio

 photo by katleho Seisa via iStock

The first thing you need to do before even collecting photos for your photography portfolio is to figure out the purpose of your photography portfolio. What kind of clients are you hoping your photography portfolio will win over?

What are your strengths? Are there different photography niches you’re hoping to get into soon?

Where do you want your photography business to be in 1 year, or 5 years? Your photography portfolio has the capability to help you with these bigger, long-term goals, but you have to establish the short-term goals first.



A Photography Portfolio is Only for Your Best Work 

As I discuss in the video above, a photography portfolio that has fewer excellent pictures is more impressive than one stuffed with not-your-best work.  

While everyone argues about how many pictures you should put in your photography portfolio, just know that less is more. 

Your Photography Portfolio Should Look and Feel Expensive

When you’re figuring out how to set up a photography portfolio, choosing your photo book company is half of the battle.

Regardless of your photography niche, you need a photography portfolio that looks and feels expensive. In some cases, that expensive look and feel won't even set you back that much money!

I discovered QTAlbums a few months back and have since updated my photography portfolio with their Journal ArtBook. 

This photography portfolio uses cotton rag paper that holds its color for over a century.

The cover is made of genuine leather, in caramel, hazelnut or stone, and it’s built with lay-flat pages so you can be sure to impress whatever client you’ll be chasing next.

For more info on QTAlbums, refer to my video found earlier in this article.

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Don’t Print Your Photography Portfolio Without Feedback

 photo by fizkes via iStock 

In the same way as you wouldn’t publish your website without feedback, don’t print your photography portfolio before showing it to some friends, and ideally some colleagues in the industry.  

Whereas you’ve worked on your photography portfolio for hours on end, they’ve never seen it and will likely catch some errors you’re self-correcting because you’ve seen them so many times. 

Plus, they can tell you whether this type of photography portfolio is likely to attract the correct audience.



Use Your Photography Portfolio to Showcase a Range of Work 

 photo by StockRocket via iStock 

While modern freelance photographers are being forced into smaller and smaller niches, your photography portfolio is your one place that you can showcase all of your work (even the stuff you haven’t been paid for...yet). 

If you’re a wedding photographer, you’ll obviously want to have mostly wedding photos in your photography portfolio, but if you have photos from other events, feel free to add them.  

This type of dynamism is going to catch the eye of higher-end clients and it won’t put off those who came to you knowing exactly what they wanted.  

This is the way that people who are hired for their “creative vision” get started.  

View Your Photography Portfolio As Never Finished

 photo by urbazon via iStock 

Obviously, you’re going to print your photography portfolio and you won’t be able to change much about it after this date, but you should be constantly working to improve your photos so that the next time you update your photography portfolio your work will be even better.

I shoot to update my online photography portfolio at least every month or so and I reprint my photography portfolio between one to two times every year so each one of my clients is getting my best work up front. 

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