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Video: description: You can learn nude photography with any kind of camera. What's more important is to focus on the process and making the model (and yourself) as comfortable as possible.

photo by volkankovancisoy via iStock

Whatever camera you now have is an excellent gear choice to use to learn nude photography. It can be an entry-level DSLR or mirrorless, a bridge camera, a smartphone, or even a classic film camera. The important part of how to learn nude photography is to be open to learning new thoughts.  

Much of what goes into beginning to learn nude photography involves basic ideas, principles, and techniques of photography in general. The Exposure Triangle, rules of composition, focus techniques, posing tips, and other thoughts and practices from general photography can be applied to nude photography.

Camera Choices

To learn nude photography with the camera you already have, it would be good to know what your camera is capable of with regards to photography in general. 

Many of us have a smartphone with a pretty decent camera built in. The camera app supplied with the basic operating system might need an upgrade, though. There are some very good and full featured camera apps available for free or very low cost for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile. 

I like my smartphone camera because it’s almost always with me, but I still like to have control over settings such as flash, exposure, focus, color, and other variables. Some of the new smartphones even have lens options that add to their capabilities. You can learn nude photography with most of the newer smartphones. 

The entry-level DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are where we really get to have some fun as we learn nude photography. If you have an entry-level camera and the kit lens or lenses that came with it, there are two simple things to realize.

One, you obviously have a desire to create great images, since you actually own a very capable camera. Two, that entry-level camera and kit lens is an awesome photographic imaging machine. With those two things, you can easily learn nude photography.

Relax and Keep It Simple

People photography of any kind can cause some anxiety for beginner photographers. It does for many pros and other serious photographers, too. Learning to relax and keeping it simple will help relieve that anxiety and let you learn nude photography. You can also check nude photograph on our website

There are obviously valid reasons for experiencing a little apprehension with regards to nude photography. The photographer and subject may both feel somewhat vulnerable. Focusing on the basic rules of people imaging will let you relax and have fun learning nude photography. 

Allowing the subject time to relax and get used to their situation is beneficial as well. Some may prefer another friend to accompany them, others will be most comfortable one-on-one. A low-level of music may also help. Whatever style is their favorite. To relax both the photographer and subject, it probably is best practice to keep the volume down.

Shoot a Lot

photo by efenzi via iStock

If you are just starting to learn nude photography, you will probably have some ideas of how you want to shoot, but you will find yourself adapting as the photoshoot progresses. It’s that adapting that allows you to actually learn nude photography. 

Keep shooting, relax, use the camera you have now, and you will learn nude photography to create great images.