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Product: description: The Qt Albums Journal ArtBook is a high-end photo album for your clients.
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Article: description: Increasing your photography income is something that could be easier than you think. Check out these ideas for making extra money so you can improve your bottom line.

photo by jacoblund via iStock

All things considered, most of my photographer friends are looking to diversify their photography income right now.  

But, photography has changed so much since most of them started working, which has left them wondering if there are ways they can make photography income from home still. 

Personally, I’m using this downtime to expand my portfolio, hit up old clients to continue networking, and selling my work to as many people as possible, and I want to show you how you can do it too. 

Use Stock Libraries

As Mango Street points out in the video above, stock libraries are an often overlooked part of a healthy photography income. 

The reason why stock libraries are so often overlooked is that it can feel (to people who haven’t used them before) a lot like the stock market, or a game of chance. To an outsider, it seems like some people get really lucky with stock libraries, while the rest of photographers really struggle with them.

However, if you use a stock agency like iStock, you really don’t need to invest any time in marketing or selling these photos (aside from taking them). You simply need to build your stock library up as much as possible. 

While you probably won’t be able to use stock libraries as your sole source of income, it is just one of many great ideas for making extra money during this pandemic. 

Get Into the Event Space

photo by Ivan4es via iStock

Events have been all but cancelled across most of the world, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use this time to start marketing yourself as an events photographer.  

All photographers know that photography income is hard to come by, but by marketing yourself as an events photographer (on top of whatever other photography niche you participate in) you can make more money as a photographer in your down time. 

Basically, think about event photography as a second job. Event photographers themselves don’t make very much because the amount of time between events is usually spaced out, but a day of event photography work is the most lucrative way for a photographer to spend the day.

Think about it, if you do just one event a month, like a wedding or a community concert, that’s an extra $500-$2,500 a month.

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

So, how do you start marketing yourself as an events photographer considering most of the world is shut down right now?

Build a social platform (if you don’t have one already) and post any event photos you currently have on it. Change your website to include a page on event photography. Reach out to friends and family and let them know you now offer additional services.

You may be shocked at just how easy it is to make extra photography income in events. 

Sell Your Work to Magazines

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

This idea for improving your photography income is just as controversial as using stock libraries because it also feels like the luck of the draw.

Magazines oftentimes have low budgets and like to work with freelancers they’ve worked with in the past. So, if you don’t know any magazine editors, it can feel impossible to get in with any.

However, there are a ton of tricks for selling your work to magazines that many photographers don’t understand. For instance, did you know that if you can sell your photography with an article the chances of your work being chosen skyrocket?  

It makes sense that selling a complete package of a piece would be easier, yet photographers rarely choose to try this method. 

You may also find that it’s easier to sell an interesting story than great photography.

Don’t get me wrong, great photography is important when pitching magazines (specifically because magazine editors know great photographs are worth much more than a great story), but if your story is more unique than any other pitches that editor has received this month, they will be much more likely to take you up on it.

Photo by Nicole Angelova on Unsplash

Finding a great story may require that you develop some journalistic senses. It will also require you to do some deep research on whatever magazine you’re pitching. For example, if you’re pitching Arizona Highways, a magazine dedicated to Arizona’s wilderness spaces, it would make no sense to pitch a high-fashion story. 

Plus, pitching an inappropriate article to a magazine editor is a surefire way to get your email address blocked for future pitches. 

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Sell Fine Art Pieces

photo by nick_langor via iStock

Another way to increase your photography income is to sell your photography as fine art.  

I’m sure you’ve seen other photographers doing it around town. For instance, local cafes frequently hang the fine art prints of photographers looking to up their photography income. 

Fine art pieces work because of just how much you can sell them for, and just how easy it can be. All you need to do is ensure your photography portfolio is widely available (in case any potential buyers want to look up your other work) and professional. 

Then, you can work with cafes or restaurants in your area to display your work.

photo by Muhammad Idrus Arsyad via iStoc

My favorite ways to increase my photography income are things that require little work, and hanging a few pieces around town takes less than a day. 

Reach Out to Past Clients 

During these down economic times, one of the smartest things you can do is to reach out to new clients as a means of earning additional income.

Think about it...even if your state hasn't allowed photography studios to open up, you can talk with past clients about products to enhance the photos they already have.

A great way to do this is by offering them a low-cost, yet high-on-quality photo album. And I have the perfect solution...

Shown above and below is the PrimaBook, an album designed by QtAlbums.

The PrimaBook comes with a variety of options - including three sizes, ten color options, and a collection of standard stamps - that way you can customize the album experience.

Better still, the PrimaBook is so budget friendly that it's a great option for your clients to print their everyday photos!

In uncertain times, diversifying your income is a must, and with the PrimaBook from QtAlbums, you can do just that.

You don't have to take any new photos. You don't have to meet clients in person. All you need to do is reach out to them, offer them the opportunity to print their photos in a gorgeous and beautifully simple album, and watch as your income rises!

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