There's no need for me to remind anyone about how cool Photoshop can be when used by the right hands. Every photographer has his own needs when it comes to retouching and mine have a lot to do with skin and hair .

You don't have to be a beauty or a fashion photographer to want to change your subject's hair color. It can be one of the most powerful visual elements of a good photograph. Before I learned how to do it, it was kind of embarrassing. I had to use wigs or different models. That can be time and resource consuming.

Luckily I've learned how to change hair color a few years ago, and that has helped me a lot with my portraits. Unfortunately I am not the best photographer to teach anyone how to do it. I'm not that good at explaining how things work, so when a friend asked me how she could do it, I tried to teach her but it ultimately lead to her learning next to nothing.

So I sent her a link to a very cool video made by the guys at Phlearn Photoshop & Photography Tutorials. Aaron Nace does a great job at explaining the technique, and that's the reason why I wanted to share it with you guys. Having fun trying it for yourself !

Learn more about retouching from these recommended books: