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Article: description: With these photography business tips for retaining clients, you’ll learn a few tricks of the trade for keeping clients for the long term, which will help you grow your business that much more.

Many photographers spend all their time and energy focusing on attracting new clients to their business. And while there’s no arguing that gaining new clients is important in growing your reach, retaining previous clients is equally important to running a successful and sustainable photography business.

With that in mind, this article provides various techniques to help you turn your old clients into repeat customers. One important thing to remember is that, in some cases, this process starts before the client even makes their first purchase. Therefore, we will discuss client retention tips to practice before, during, and after sales have occurred. 

Additionally, we’ll share one of our favorite companies to partner with for photography prints. Now, whether you are a new photographer considering starting your own business or a long-time business owner who wants to improve your retention numbers, join us as we explore our top six photography business tips for retaining clients!

Check out the video above by Prince Meyson to learn seven photography business tips that will take your business to the next level.

Table of Contents

Consistent Communication is Key

Photo by juststock via iStock

One of the keys to all successful photography businesses is consistency. Consistency in your quality of work, consistency in your business strategy, consistency in marketing, and consistency in communication are all crucial. For retaining clients, consistent communication is especially important. 

Lucky for you, thanks to modern technology, communicating with clients has never been easier. Websites, social media, smartphones, and email are all communication tools worth investing in. Email newsletters are a particularly effective and efficient way to stay in touch and keep clients updated on your newest products and services without contacting each one individually.

Photography Business Tips: Deliver Exceptional Service

Photo by jacoblund via iStock

Whenever hired for a photography project, you should have one primary goal: to deliver exceptional service. For us, exceptional service means two things. The first is obvious: delivering a strong image portfolio to the client after the project. The second is where people sometimes struggle, and it’s to meet all the client's needs before, during, and after the shoot.

Photography clients often have high expectations, and every client's needs will differ. How do you meet (or exceed!) those expectations? Start by talking with the client as much as possible beforehand to develop a game plan, so everyone is on the same page. Then, be as adaptable as possible during the shoot. Finally, always deliver your work before the prearranged deadline.

Offer Value-Added Services

Similarly, you want to provide high-quality physical products to your clients. Your basic package might only have digital image files, but we strongly recommend offering packages that include physical prints. Not only will you make more money in the short term, but physical prints also serve as constant reminders of your work when clients see them in their homes and offices. Essentially, it’s free advertising!

The easiest way to satisfy your clients with your prints is to partner with a high-quality, dependable printer, such as Artbeat Studios. They are an innovative online printing company recognized nationwide for their premium prints, state-of-the-art printing technology, friendly and professionally-trained staff, and affordable prices.

Artbeat Studios boasts beautiful metal, acrylic, canvas, and paper prints. Furthermore, they offer incredibly useful programs for photography businesses, like print-on-demand dropshipping and loyalty pricing

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Photography Business Tips: Stay Connected Beyond the Shoot

Photo by YorVen via iStock

As we briefly mentioned before, an essential photography business tip for retaining clients is keeping in contact with them after the conclusion of the shoot. Checking in with them from time to time serves two purposes. First, it makes them feel genuinely cared for. Second, it puts you back on their radar in case they (or anyone they know) need a photographer soon.

The one thing you want to avoid is hounding them and making them feel uncomfortable, though. That can have quite the opposite effect you are going for and scare them away from working with you again. So, as tempting as it may be, don’t overdo it with the calls and emails.

Build Trust and Rapport

Photo by filadendron via iStock

Building trust and rapport with your clients starts from your very first interaction with them. In fact, science has proven that first impressions are extremely hard to break. Therefore, establishing a positive and friendly work environment from the beginning could make or break a long-lasting partnership between you and your clients.

After that, maintaining good rapport with them will only further deepen the strength of your professional relationship. Ways to build trust and rapport with clients include being authentic and honest, showing empathy, connecting on similarities, and keeping your word.

Photography Business Tips: Seek Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Photo by gustavofrazoa via iStock

Last but not least, evolving as a business and turning your weaknesses into strengths is a must. The best way to accomplish this is to ask your clients for honest feedback after every shoot. Once you know the areas where you need improvement, it’s up to you to make it happen! That might mean changing printers, investing in new camera gear, or enrolling in a photo course.

As a bonus, customer feedback is an excellent way to attract new clients in today's feedback-driven economy.

Recommended Photography Gear

Disclaimer: Just so you know, some of the cool stuff we mention comes with affiliate links, meaning we earn a commission if you buy (no extra charge to you!). Plus, we occasionally feature sponsored content, but rest assured, we only shout out products we genuinely stand behind.

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