If you travel at all these days, you know that it can be a harrowing experience...

That means that once you get to your destination, you might be looking for respite from the kind of stress and anxiety that you experienced on your trek to get there.

One way to do that is to make sure that you have photography gear that makes taking photos, processing photos, and sharing your photos as easy as possible.

I've put together a list of a few photography gadgets that help you do just that...

Taking Photos

A Next-Level Camera Remote

If you want to make the process of taking photos easier (and more productive), I suggest you pick up a camera remote.

The virtues of a camera remote are many: 

  • They help minimize camera shake, thus resulting in sharper photos.
  • They allow you to take self-portraits or be in group portraits with your friends and family that are on the trip.
  • They give you the power to hold the shutter open for long periods of time for making long exposures.

But if you opt for a high-end camera remote like Pulse by Alpine Labs, you'll have even more capabilities at your fingertips.

For example, Pulse helps you create time lapse videos with just a few touches of your smartphone's screen.

That means you'll not only have tack-sharp still images of your trip, but you'll have gorgeous time lapse videos, too.

It'll let you take real-time video as well, and has all the controls you need to take epic long exposures.

In other words, Pulse is a camera remote on the next level, something that lets you preview images and histograms on your phone, control your camera from up to 100 feet away, and is packaged in a tiny gadget that only weighs 1.5 ounces.

If that's not travel-friendly, I don't know what is!

A Travel Photography Tripod

Clearly, not all occasions when you're traveling will necessitate a tripod.

But when the time calls for one, you don't want something that's big, bulky, and heavy.

You also don't want something that's flimsy and poorly built...

The ideal solution is a solid, well-built tripod that folds down small but doesn't weigh a ton.

That perfectly describes the Sirui T-1205X Carbon Fiber Tripod.

This tripod weighs only two pounds but can support up to 22 pounds of camera gear.

What's more, it can extend to more than 51-inches tall, but when folded down, it's a mere 13.8-inches tall.

If those aren't the stats of an ideal travel photography tripod, I don't know what is!

Processing Photos

Photoshop, Lightroom, or GIMP?

There's plenty of options for processing your photos when you're on the go.

Naturally, many photographers prefer the big boys like Photoshop or Lightroom.

If you're on a budget, GIMP is a free photo editor that has many of the same features as the Adobe products mentioned above.

For my money, Lightroom is the best option of the bunch.

That's because Lightroom has the best organization system of the three, so you can quickly sort and file your photos after a day out shooting based on the date, the subject, or the event.

Additionally, Lightroom allows you to create editing presets that you can then save, so if you have a certain editing style, you can just apply your preset to each image you import rather than going through the entire process of repeating each editing step every single time.

In other words, Lightroom will keep your photos organized and help you edit them in short order - just what you want when you're on the go!

Sharing Photos

A Photography Portfolio, Elevated

Anyone can upload their photos to Facebook or Instagram...

But as great as those platforms are, they just aren't as professional as having your own portfolio and website.

And I know what you're thinking...

You don't have the time, the money, or the computer know-how to build your own website and portfolio.

Luckily, there's a solution that was built by travel photographers, for travel photographers, and it's called Photler.

 "A much better showcase for my travel photography!" - Anthony Ellis

Think of Photler as the ideal portfolio-making system.

Not only does Photler have pre-built, professionally-designed website templates to choose from (meaning you don't have to do any coding at all!), but they also have all the tools you need to promote your work.

"I have a really good experience with Photler - very easy to use & simple. And what I really appreciate is very good customer support. The people from Photler are doing a good job!" - Ondrej Lednicky

That includes one-click image importing, blogging tools, mobile friendly website templates, and even a sales platform to make some money off your travel photos.

Sounds too good to be true, right?


As I mentioned, Photler was designed by photographers, which is why it's packed with features that make your life a whole lot easier.

No photographer that I know wants to be holed up in their hotel room trying to build or maintain their portfolio. They want to be out in the world, taking photos of the people and places that inspire them.

Photler allows you to do that.

You can customize your selected website template to your heart's content, but since they look so good right out of the box, you might not have to do much customizing in the first place.

Plus, Photler gives you things like free, secure hosting, a map feature that allows you to pin the places you've been, and site analytics.

You also get password protected galleries, the ability to embed videos, and 24/7 customer support, all for a price that's tough to beat.

Whether travel photography is your job or simply a hobby, the gadgets and tools outlined above are, in my opinion, must-haves.

From taking photos to processing to sharing your images with the world, these tools will make your life much easier - and allow your fans to see your work with greater ease, too.

Don't keep messing around with your current workflow. Upgrade your travel photography experience with Photler and the other tools listed above!