photo by kieferpix via iStock

There is no shortage of camera bags for landscape photography. It might be an overwhelming selection if I’m honest.

I’ve had my own overwhelming selection of camera bags over the years, mostly because I’d buy something that looked awesome and seemed comfortable at first, but then the bag showed its true colors.

By and large, I’ve found most bags to be either poorly made, uncomfortable, or just plain not user-friendly.

However, after a long, long search, I found the ideal camera bag for landscape photography. That bag is the Holdfast Sightseer Backpack.

Not sure if a backpack is right for you? Explore top-quality camera bags for all kinds of photographers.

What to Look for in a Landscape Photography Camera Bag: Comfort 

Personally, there’s one feature I covet the most in a landscape photography camera bag, and that’s comfort.

After all, the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable as I hike around Joshua Tree, Yosemite, and my other favorite haunts here in California.

And the Sightseer Backpack definitely delivers on the comfort front.

I prefer a backpack setup so the weight of my gear is more evenly distributed.

Thanks to the Sightseer’s padded and contoured shoulder straps, I can carry a bag full of gear in total comfort.

The fact that the bag has a breathable back is nice as well - it keeps your back cool and minimizes the embarrassing possibility of having a sweat-soaked shirt when you take the bag off.

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Camera Bags for Landscape Photography Should Be Ultimately Functional

The argument against wearing a camera backpack is that they often aren’t that functional given that you have to remove the bag to get to your gear.

But what Holdfast has done is help you get around this issue by adding a camera slider to the shoulder strap, that way you can carry your camera outside the bag, right there at your fingertips.

This is a crucial point because you never know when you’ll stumble across a scene that requires fast action on your part. This bag affords you that opportunity.

Furthermore, Holdfast has increased the functionality of this bag by adding a host of leather “hooks” on the back of the bag where you can attach accessory pouches.

That means you can expand the carrying capacity of the bag by carrying a lens (or two or three) in small, medium, or large pouches that attach to the outside of the bag. You can also attach a cell phone pouch.

This also means faster access to must-have items when time is of the essence.

How to Pack a Landscape Photography Camera Bag 

When I first started out in photography, I used an old backpack to carry my gear. Needless to say, that was a disastrous choice from an organizational point of view.

Thankfully, my Sightseer Backpack has an interior space that’s organized and maximizes the use of the available space, which makes it easy to pack and keep track of my gear.

What I especially like is that this bag has customizable compartments. Just move the bumpers around as you need and secure them in place using Velcro.

This is nice for someone like me who might be carrying a Nikon D850 on one trip and a Nikon Z7 on another.

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Camera Bags for Landscape Photography Should Be Weather-Resistant 

A final feature you surely want in a landscape photography camera bag is the ability to keep your gear nice and dry, even if the weather turns foul.

Again, the Holdfast Sightseer Backpack fits the bill with a waxed canvas and leather body that easily repels water.

When shooting in the rain, you can see the water beading up and rolling gently off the bag. Even the zippers on this thing are waterproof, so you can rest assured your camera and lenses will be safe and dry.

In other words, this bag ticks all the boxes for landscape photographers like me.

It’s comfortable, functional, easy to pack, and weather-resistant. It holds tons of gear, is customizable to fit your specific needs, and it’s beautifully constructed for long-lasting durability.

If you ask me, that combination of features makes the Holdfast Sightseer Backpack a top choice for any landscape photographer.

All images of the Holdfast Sightseer Backpack are by Brandon Burk.