medium format?

13 years 4 months ago #38082 by Armon Photos
I know nothing about this format can someone tell me a little about it.

13 years 4 months ago #38083 by ko98
It's bigger then 35mm.

13 years 4 months ago #38084 by Armon Photos
Yea I know that much. That's about all I know. lol

13 years 4 months ago #38085 by ko98

Armon Photos wrote: Yea I know that much. That's about all I know. lol


13 years 4 months ago #38086 by Kiss a Frog
Well medium is in the middle of the designated formats.

35mm is small
6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7, and 6x9 are medium formats. Medium format uses roll film and the #s are in cm.
Large format is 4x5, 8x10 and up and the #'s are in inches. They use sheets of film.

6x45 and 6x6 are the most popular of the format. The larger film captures quite a bit more detail. It allows you to also enlarge photos much larger than 35mm.

13 years 4 months ago #38087 by Armon Photos

Kiss a Frog wrote: Well medium is in the middle of the designated formats.

35mm is small
6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7, and 6x9 are medium formats. Medium format uses roll film and the #s are in cm.
Large format is 4x5, 8x10 and up and the #'s are in inches. They use sheets of film.

6x45 and 6x6 are the most popular of the format. The larger film captures quite a bit more detail. It allows you to also enlarge photos much larger than 35mm.

OK. I think I understand. :silly:

13 years 4 months ago #38088 by ko98

Armon Photos wrote:

Kiss a Frog wrote: Well medium is in the middle of the designated formats.

35mm is small
6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7, and 6x9 are medium formats. Medium format uses roll film and the #s are in cm.
Large format is 4x5, 8x10 and up and the #'s are in inches. They use sheets of film.

6x45 and 6x6 are the most popular of the format. The larger film captures quite a bit more detail. It allows you to also enlarge photos much larger than 35mm.

OK. I think I understand. :silly:

Hey, we both learn something new. :cheers:

13 years 4 months ago #38097 by Dr. Docter
an advantage with medium format cameras (MF) is their interchangeable backs - film is loaded into a separate compartment which then clicks/attaches onto the camera. This enables you to change film type at any time, say, from B&W to colour neg or transparency, even Polaroid, halfway through a roll

they have leaf shutters in their lens (or the option of) which are simpler to use with flash - no limitations with sync' speed

MF cameras have a choice of viewing systems - including waist level viewfinders, prism viewfinders, rotary finders and interchangeable viewing screens (only some 35mm cameras have these options)

Until the advent of digital, MF cameras were the mainstay of studio and professional shooters

These days good second hand models are available at reasonable cost

13 years 3 months ago #46821 by romanf
In addition to using film backs, most of the medium format cameras can also use digital backs. Obviously the latest ones are quite expensive, but some of the older, lower Megapixel backs, are somewhat more affordable.

The older backs usually need to be tethered to a computer to download pics, but the newer versions use CF cards to hold the pics for later download.

I believe the highest megapixel back I have seen is the Hasselblad, which is around 50 megapixels. Creates a very large file for sure.

13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #47127 by gfrontosa

romanf wrote: In addition to using film backs, most of the medium format cameras can also use digital backs. Obviously the latest ones are quite expensive, but some of the older, lower Megapixel backs, are somewhat more affordable.

The older backs usually need to be tethered to a computer to download pics, but the newer versions use CF cards to hold the pics for later download.

I believe the highest megapixel back I have seen is the Hasselblad, which is around 50 megapixels. Creates a very large file for sure.

Leaf came out with the first 80 mpx digital back late 2010 with the Leaf Aptus II 12. This back is compatible with Phase One, Hasselblad, Mamiya bodies and several tech cameras from Alpa, Arca Swiss, Cambo etc.

Then Phase One (who also owns Leaf) released the IQ180, a 80 mpx back earlier this year.

I shoot with a Leaf AFi body with a Leaf AF7 33 mpx back for landscapes. Unlike a P&S or a DSLR, it takes a bit more time to compose a shot with MF.





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