Panasonic FZ45 problems with exposure

3 years 3 months ago #715235 by Primrose-Hill

I am new to this forum and a very amateur photographer.

I have a Panasonic FZ45 which I have had for several years.  I usually take photos using IA or P but the photos have been overexposed and the colour when using P has a blue tint.  I have to correct them on my PC

I have altered the White Balance to AWB, but also it is now bracketing (a term I just learned) when using P.

Can enyone please help me?

Thank you very much


3 years 3 months ago #715257 by Shadowfixer1
Try to do a factory reset of he camera to clear out any unwanted settings that may have been accidently set. 
3 years 3 months ago #715281 by Primrose-Hill
Hi there

Thank you for your reply.

I will try and see how I get on.

3 years 3 months ago #715388 by Ozzie_Traveller
G'day Prim

As a newbie here, WELCOME to the PT group of keen photographers - there's plenty of knowledge and skills on board here. And as a fellow Panny user - your FZ is an excellent choice to have with you :)

Okay- to your camera's "mis-behaviour"
Using "P" is excellent - far better than iA because you can -both- shoot it as an auto if you want, -and- adjust things from time to time if you want.

Coming back to your Qs ...
On the back of the camera you have the Cursor Panel of 4 things with OK in the middle, and the adjuster dial at the top-rght, sort of where your thumb sits when taking photos.

The 4-way Cursor Panel covers (top) adding or removing exposure to over-ride the camera if needed, then (right) to alter the ISO sensitivity (if needed but there are options); then (down) to set up our special shortcut / function for something you muck around with and (left) to set the self-timer for taking pics with the camera on a tripod or so that you can run like mad and get into the picture as well!

The adjuster dial (top right) does 2 things - you rotate it left-right to change setting if ever needed, -or- you press in to 'click' it and it alters the scene brightness. (More on this another time maybe)

ps- if you haven't already got a copy of the User Manual - talk to Dr Google and "Download User Manual Panasonic FZ-45" and download a free copy of the instructions. I do this with every FZ I have and get the local print-shop to put it into an A5-sized booklet for ready reference whenever I have a puzzle to sort out

also- if you want to chat off-line any time, email me at "Phil Jones"<[email protected]> ... many other Panny users do and you are open to joining them if you wish

Hope this helps
Phil from the great land Downunder

Phil from the great land Downunder

3 years 3 months ago #715408 by Primrose-Hill
Hi Phil

Thank you for your very informative reply.

I do have a user manual, but ................  

I must prefer taking to a user who can explain in layman's terms.

I have just joined a Photographers club and this has given me plenty to work on.

Thanks again.

Best wishes


3 years 3 months ago #715456 by Ozzie_Traveller
G'day Prim

Well done - it's always best to sit with someone and be able to point to which bits you're referring to. We do the same in the camera club where I am a member too

Phil from the great land Downunder




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