Camera club in 2023?

10 months 3 weeks ago #755893 by Beth Anderson
Does anyone still belong to a camera club these days?  I have found a couple local meetup groups and that is about it.  Curious when did camera clubs disappear or phase out?

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10 months 2 weeks ago #755898 by Screamin Scott
I stopped going to our local one years ago and I believe it is no longer. I did do a macro presentation there several years back though. That said, I believe there are still some around but not close by to me. I still help out former members occasionally though.

Scott Ditzel Photography

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10 months 2 weeks ago #755899 by Beth Anderson
Interesting.  You know the few I have spoken to locally stated that the camera clubs they knew died during Covid.  Was that about the same timing for the one you mentioned?  

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10 months 2 weeks ago #755903 by Screamin Scott
I stopped long before Covid but I can see how that may have led to the demise of some clubs...The only remaining clubs around here are in more densely populated areas...

Scott Ditzel Photography

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10 months 2 weeks ago #755972 by Colorado Mike
Oh man, you have me thinking on this one.  It has to be a good 5 or 6 years ago.  But for me, it was brief, I had gone only a few months.  It was fun and I met a number of photographers but I always had something that I was doing the day of our mets, which ultimately caused me to stop attending.  

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10 months 2 weeks ago #755977 by CharleyL
I belong to a "Virtual Club" on Facebook, but it is almost inactive. Every month or two there will be a post and maybe a few pictures by just a very few repeat posters.

I was part of a Meet-up group for several years, with monthly meetings at a coffee shop 45 minutes away. The most attendees ever, while I was going was 8. It disbanded a year ago, when the organizer seemed to loose interest. 

I've been trying to get a few local friend photographers that I know together to meet somewhere, or in my studio, to talk photography, try out new ideas, cameras, lighting, etc. but so far that isn't working either. 

Anybody in South Central (North side of Charlotte) North Carolina interested? 

10 months 2 weeks ago #756071 by kroneb
Yes, there are still camera clubs in existence, but they are not as common as they once were. The decline of camera clubs started in the 1990s, with the rise of digital photography. Digital cameras made it much easier for people to take high-quality photos, and they also made it easier to share photos online. This led to a decline in the demand for traditional film photography, which was the main focus of camera clubs.

10 months 2 weeks ago #756094 by Screamin Scott

kroneb wrote: Yes, there are still camera clubs in existence, but they are not as common as they once were. The decline of camera clubs started in the 1990s, with the rise of digital photography. Digital cameras made it much easier for people to take high-quality photos, and they also made it easier to share photos online. This led to a decline in the demand for traditional film photography, which was the main focus of camera clubs.

Back when I was a member of a camera club, almost everyone had a digital camera, thus that really isn't a reason for their decline. I'd go with the Covid lockdowns and the proliferation of information on the internet as more valid reasons.

Scott Ditzel Photography

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10 months 2 weeks ago #756142 by Fess Walker
Yeah who knows the reason, but they are disappearing.  I wouldn’t be surprised that Covid was a big part of it.  

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10 months 1 week ago #756181 by kroneb
Camera clubs can be a great way to meet other people who share your passion for photography. They often organize social events, such as field trips and photowalks.

10 months 1 week ago #756294 by Ian Stone
100% true.  I don't belong to any clubs myself.  But I do attend Meetup groups for the ability to meet others.  

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10 months 1 week ago #756361 by Patrick G
Nope, don't have the time.  I go when I can go, so never worked out with clubs

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10 months 2 days ago #756515 by Otto F
Eh, not in long time and really have no desire 

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10 months 19 hours ago #756560 by Hassner
I never liked the rules of clubs, but as the photographer on a huge mine in one of the most photogenic countries in the world (Namibia), there were many enthusiasts that wanted to meet with a person with knowledge. We had 3 exhibitions in the 6 years I was there. 

I tried it in the next place I moved to, but the passion was not the same.

When I moved again, I heard this place had a club, so I went one night. The formality and structure drove me to a pub afterwards. I never went again. That was 8 years ago. I doubt they still exist. 80% of them was retired, the rest all 50+. Maybe they died out. :whistle:

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9 months 3 weeks ago #756677 by Cory J
Honestly, I'm more of a solo shooter.  The downside to clubs and such is there are people that just talk to much.   I want to just take photos and not chat.  

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