Winter Sunset & Poem - "Delicate Subject matter"

12 years 6 months ago #190769 by Shanna-Marie
I've debated for months whether to post this here, but in getting to know some of you folks I feel that it will be OK to share. This one is very special to me.....In my "Real" life, I am also an advocate for a local Crisis Center. This poem was inspired by my experiences and the countless survivors I've been blessed to have had the opportunity to support along on this journey. I also had a little help from my friends, John & Rich. Thank you so much. :)

I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles. ~Robert Brault

12 years 6 months ago #190770 by Baydream
What a special lady you are ;)

Shoot, learn and share. It will make you a better photographer.

Photo Comments
12 years 6 months ago #190772 by Shanna-Marie
Thank you John, you're so sweet. My friend, I'm no more special than anyone else Here, I'm just one of the lucky ones. To have been given a second chance in life is truly a blessing, I always thought God must be keeping me alive for a reason, Now I know why....

I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles. ~Robert Brault

12 years 6 months ago #190778 by robbie
Love this one Shanna,very nice.I`m sure the last paragraph will lift the gloom from someone`s life.

12 years 6 months ago #190802 by photobod
Powerful poem on a beautiful photo, well done Shanna, you are a shining light to us all :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :judge: :judge: :judge:
"A good photograph is one that communicate a fact, touches the heart, leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective." - Irving Penn

12 years 6 months ago #190809 by Dori
Beautiful photo and poem!!! :judge: :judge: :judge: :judge:

Don't pi$$ me off, I am running out of room to store the bodies...

Resident Texasotan...

12 years 6 months ago #190886 by bigbubbaG
BEAUTIFUL!!! You should be very proud!

Victory is won not in miles but inches. Win some, hold your ground, win some more.
---Louis L'amour

12 years 6 months ago #190926 by icepics
The photo would be lovely on its own, your poetry makes it inspirational. I worked with families in a different capacity than you, but I know how much what you're doing helps, and that families appreciate someone who helped them along the way. You have a special gift.

Photo Comments
12 years 6 months ago #190935 by McBeth Photography

icepics wrote: The photo would be lovely on its own, your poetry makes it inspirational. I worked with families in a different capacity than you, but I know how much what you're doing helps, and that families appreciate someone who helped them along the way. You have a special gift.

:agree: Very nice work Shanna, your photography is awesome too!

It is what it is.
12 years 6 months ago #190944 by Scotty
I'm not a huge fan of poetry usually but since somebody close to me in my life went through one of these experiences and still goes through this every day, this one touched me. Good work Shanna.

When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

Photo Comments
12 years 6 months ago #190948 by Lonestarlady61

Shanna-Marie wrote: I've debated for months whether to post this here, but in getting to know some of you folks I feel that it will be OK to share. This one is very special to me.....In my "Real" life, I am also an advocate for a local Crisis Center. This poem was inspired by my experiences and the countless survivors I've been blessed to have had the opportunity to support along on this journey. I also had a little help from my friends, John & Rich. Thank you so much. :)

This is so beautiful Shanna. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

I want a good wide angle lens and more money for photo trips.
Photo Comments
12 years 6 months ago #190955 by Shanna-Marie
Thank you all so much for your kind words and thank you too for making this a safe place for me to share with you.
Scotty, thank you for reading this- I wrote this poem to give hope to others that it IS possible to get to the other side of this nightmare, I pray that this person in your life finds peace one day.

I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles. ~Robert Brault

12 years 6 months ago #190957 by chasrich
Congratulations Shanna Marie... This poem speaks of things that touch the soul of the reader. Each interpretation will be fitting for each reader that feels it. It also speaks to the courage one can find when it is called for. For all the beautiful words and the shining light in the background it is your bravery and strength that I thank you for.

Well met, my friend.

“Amateurs worry about equipment, professionals worry about money, masters worry about light, I just make pictures… ” ~ Vernon Trent
12 years 6 months ago #190983 by Shanna-Marie
And I thank you my friend, for all of your encouragement, your help and your gentle spirit. This world needs more people like you....

I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles. ~Robert Brault


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