Let's talk tubes

13 years 1 month ago #90571 by mj~shutterbugg
I see I can boost my macros capability by adding tubes. Explain this to me please. I am new to macro with anything besides a macro lens and would love to upgrade to the 100 Canon Macro but alas it's a pipe dream right now but adding some tubes would be in the budget. So what to I look for and what exactly do I have to do?

Think Off-Center ~ George Carlin

13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #90577 by MLKstudios
If you go from infinity (far away) to the closest distance, the lens moves away from the camera. But, there is a limit to how far out the lens can go. Extension tubes extend that limit so you can focus closer.

They are nothing more than "holes" that hold the lens away from the body. You need those that match the mount of your camera is all.

Note, when used, you lose the ability to focus on infinity again, so they are only good in close range.

HTH :)

Matthew L Kees
MLK Studios Photography School
[email protected]
"Every artist, was once an amateur"

13 years 1 month ago #90589 by kyclover237
So, would an extension tube be useful for taking sports photography? My zoom is good but I can't afford the really expensive zoom lenses.

[email protected]

13 years 1 month ago #90593 by chasrich
Back in the day... Bellows were used for extreme macro. They still are I assume... They allow the lens to be moved out away from the camera on a set of rails. Tubes do the same thing only on a fixed basis and they are much cheaper. I have my tubes but have not played with them yet. I'm wondering if tubes can be used in conjunction with a reversing adapter... This is a rhetorical question really as I intend to experiment and find out on my own. I need to get my white coat from the cleaners. :woohoo: <- mad scientist!

“Amateurs worry about equipment, professionals worry about money, masters worry about light, I just make pictures… ” ~ Vernon Trent
13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #90595 by MLKstudios
Just the opposite, unless want to take a close up shot of the ball. What you need is more telephoto-ness. Unfortunately, you can either buy a "slow" zoom with a variable aperture at a reasonable price or a real expensive one with f/2.8 on each end.

One of the most expensive areas of photography (and some do it here) is bird and wildlife. Those lenses cost a small fortune.

HTH :)

Yes, you can stil buy a macro bellows for extreme close up work. I don't know of any that work on a setting other than manual though. Some extension tubes (the pricier ones) allow AF and other auto functions to work. They include all the electronic couplings.

Matthew L Kees
MLK Studios Photography School
[email protected]
"Every artist, was once an amateur"

13 years 1 month ago #90599 by kyclover237
I may look into renting one for a game or two. My daughter is a senior and captain of the soccer team. I have a bid in to take the senior photos for posters. A better telephoto would be great for that

[email protected]

13 years 1 month ago #90601 by Screamin Scott

kyclover237 wrote: So, would an extension tube be useful for taking sports photography? My zoom is good but I can't afford the really expensive zoom lenses.

What would extend your reach would be a teleconverter, not extension tubes....With either, you lose light, how much depends on the tube. So with a slow lens, AF becomes a touch & go situation...

Scott Ditzel Photography


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13 years 1 month ago #90603 by Screamin Scott
Back on tubes, there are older manual focus 2X macro converters which combine a varaible extension tube with a 2X teleconverter. When used with a 50mm lens they can get to life size & also , they retain infinity focus (poor mans macro)...There are some limitations to using one ,depending on what camera you are using...

Scott Ditzel Photography


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13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #90607 by MLKstudios
I had a student that wanted to shoot boxing in Vegas. He hooked up with guy who had a boxing website. The web guy got him plane tickets (from L.A.), a room to stay in and close in seats. He rented a 70-200mm and got some great shots with it.


One he took from his "seat":

Eventually he got a press pass, and got this shot of Oscar (behind the scene):

Matthew L Kees
MLK Studios Photography School
[email protected]
"Every artist, was once an amateur"

13 years 1 month ago #90613 by mj~shutterbugg

Screamin Scott wrote: Back on tubes, there are older manual focus 2X macro converters which combine a varaible extension tube with a 2X teleconverter. When used with a 50mm lens they can get to life size & also , they retain infinity focus (poor mans macro)...There are some limitations to using one ,depending on what camera you are using...

I will be using the tubes with a 50mm Compact Macro on a 5d Mii. I found two sets on B&H. One set is $67 for 3 tubes and the other is $179 for the same mm 3 tubes. Then of course there are the Canon brand tubes. Help!

Think Off-Center ~ George Carlin

13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #90615 by MLKstudios
You need to post some links, but my guess is one set has the electronic "couplings" and the cheaper one doesn't (would require all manual control).

Matthew :)

Matthew L Kees
MLK Studios Photography School
[email protected]
"Every artist, was once an amateur"

13 years 1 month ago #90627 by mj~shutterbugg

Think Off-Center ~ George Carlin

13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #90635 by MLKstudios

"This DG Extension Tube Set has upgraded "Gate-Array IC" circuitry to work better with digital SLRs and some of the digital SLR lenses*."

Either will work, but one loses the "electronics" connected with the lens.


Matthew L Kees
MLK Studios Photography School
[email protected]
"Every artist, was once an amateur"

13 years 1 month ago #90643 by Baydream

mj~shutterbugg wrote:

Screamin Scott wrote: Back on tubes, there are older manual focus 2X macro converters which combine a varaible extension tube with a 2X teleconverter. When used with a 50mm lens they can get to life size & also , they retain infinity focus (poor mans macro)...There are some limitations to using one ,depending on what camera you are using...

I will be using the tubes with a 50mm Compact Macro on a 5d Mii. I found two sets on B&H. One set is $67 for 3 tubes and the other is $179 for the same mm 3 tubes. Then of course there are the Canon brand tubes. Help!

I bought the Zeikos ($67) tubes and they are working very well. The "issues" some folks raise are the connections and lighter construction. I have had neither problem.
I have tried them on my XT and XSi and with the kit lens, 50mm and 70-300. The experimentation is fun. I'm just learning. These are a few I taken so far. I'll get better with practice.

Shoot, learn and share. It will make you a better photographer.

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13 years 1 month ago #90645 by Baydream

MLKstudios wrote: You need to post some links, but my guess is one set has the electronic "couplings" and the cheaper one doesn't (would require all manual control).

Matthew :)

Incorrect. See my post. The Zeikos are giving me full electronic function.

Shoot, learn and share. It will make you a better photographer.

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