Learn & Explore Series Episode 156


Did You Know?

eMotimo's first 125 motion control heads were personally machined by Brian, the founder. All eMotimo products are still designed, assembled, and tested in our offices in San Leandro, California.
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Did You Know?

eMotimo products have been used at both the North and South poles, on Everest, and in a volcano.
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Did You Know?

Portions of the opening sequence from the Netflix series House of Cards (arguably one of the most recognizable timelapse scenes ever created), was shot with eMotimo products.
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Special Thanks to Industry Expert:

Brian Burling

Questions covered in the above interview:

  1. Let’s start off with, what is emotimo?
  2. What year was this company founded?
  3. Let’s jump in the way back machine, let’s go back to the very day you started this company. What was the original inspiration for doing so?
  4. When a company releases a product they generally have a particular avatar or audience in mind. Can you share who that person or company is here?
  5. What has been your proudest accomplishment to date for emotimo?
  6. It seems common that companies title their products as the “Best” in their market. How do you feel ‘spectrum’ compares to others in the marketplace?
  7. Another term that is somewhat cliché and tossed around a lot is “Innovation” How do you feel your platform is innovating?
  8. Let’s shift gears a little, what sort of cameras will work on spectrum?
  9. Can you expound a little on set up, from a timing standpoint?
  10. Now talk to us about why you are using a game controller on the spectrum?
  11. Many of your competitors manufacture their own slider system. Why did you decide to skip that and instead partner up with Shark?
  12. Talking in general about the industry… One of the biggest complaints we hear from new time lapse rig owners is that the system that they purchased has such a steep learning curve. What have you done to simplify this concern with your platform?
  13. In your opinion, what are the most noteworthy features about owning a spectrum?
  14. Let’s consider your price point compared to other time lapse solutions on the market. Spectrum is considerably higher priced than many, can you talk about how you came up with the pricing
  15. What sort of warranty do you offer?
  16. What is the one word that you believe sums up emotimo?