The Best Equipment to Have For Serious Bird Photography

I'm going to start this by saying that it's perfectly normal to take your first steps in the world of bird photography using less expensive gear. In fact, I strongly recommend low- medium budget solutions for beginners. A less advanced camera/lens combo will demand more from you, the photographer. It will sharpen your...

These 10 Exotic Bird Photos will Brighten Your Day and Inspire You

One of the greatest things about photographing birds is that they come in an almost endless variety of sizes, shapes and colors. From specialized body parts to ornate plumage and incredible colors, the exotic birds of the world are a true feast for the eyes and the lens. No wonder they're a favorite subject of pros and...

These 11 Beautiful Bird Photos Will Help You Learn the Fundamentals of Bird Photography

If you're like me, you're much more of a visual learner than one that can grasp concepts by just reading about them. Instead, I like to see examples of what I'm learning about, that way I can visualize exactly what I need to do. If you're looking for ways to improve your bird photography, then this article is for...

These Bird Photography Tips Will Take Your Photos to the Next Level

What makes a beautiful bird photo? Is it the composition? What about the lighting? Or is the perspective from which the shot is taken the first thing you notice? Well, regardless of what you notice first, all of these factors are important (among many others) in taking your bird photography to the next level. Here...

These Budget Bird Photography Cameras are Worth Their Weight in Gold

Photo by MarkLane45 via iStock Bird photography is so much fun! The colors, the surroundings, and the interesting aspects of different birds all add up to an enjoyable photography experience. Oh yeah, the resulting images are amazing as well. If you’re new to serious photography, you may be wondering what the best...

Top 20 Incredible Safari Moments Caught on Camera

photo by Stefonlinton I don't know about you, but when I think of a safari, I think of a safari, what comes first to mind is, of course, the big game that people so desperately want to see - elephants, tigers, giraffes, and so forth. And since I'm a photographer, the second thing I think of is people like me, with...

Top Photography Workshops to Attend in 2018

Contents Northern Warblers and More in Michigan’s Eastern Upper Peninsula Strabo Photo Tour Collection Banff Photo Workshops National Photographic Adventures San Miguel Photo Workshops Jennifer King Photo Workshops Jess Lee Photography Workshops Momenta Workshops Eloquent Light Photography...

Types of Photography: 19 Popular Photography Genres You Can Try

Photo by Christian Holzinger on Unsplash When you're just starting out in photography, there can be many things that might overwhelm you. Learning to use your camera is certainly one of them. Developing your creative eye is another. But with practice, these things become second-nature. A different type of...

Use a Slower Shutter Speed for the Illusion of Motion in Bird Photography

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by our friend Tim Boyer, a master bird photographer. As bird photographers, we’re all obsessed with getting a sharp image. Most of the time, that means we focus on the eye and if the depth-of-field on the rest of the bird falls off, we don’t care. We don’t care because people...

What Bird Photography Gear Do Beginners Need?

Photo by JamesChen via Shutterstock Every unique type of photography requires different gear if you hope to achieve the best results within that genre. For example, what a bird photographer needs will differ from what a portrait photographer needs. That’s why we created this bird photography guide—to help you decide...