Sad day for me

10 years 3 weeks ago #385977 by Tom-Lutz
 No. I've never learned to post links from one to page to anything.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #385980 by garyrhook

Tom-Lutz wrote:  No. I've never learned to post links from one to page to anything.

You know, I think everyone here is interested in your perspective, but we're not getting much to work with.

If you can't copy/paste a URL into a post, what is your ViewBug user ID? You can be found that way. When I go search for "Lutz" I find tommlutz and tommlutz_9042. But neither of those accounts have any images; in fact, they don't seem to exist.

VB portfolios are found via " username, whatever that is. Mine is 'garyrhook' and I am easily found.

Now, what's yours?

Regarding Christmas, all of the past wiinners can be found starting here:

Are you referring to the image here:


Yeah, that's HDR. It's a style choice. Neither right nor wrong, certainly not required to win a contest. There are many, many other winning images that are processed, yes, but not HDR. Not even close.

I believe that it's about whatever serves the image best. Not adherence to arbitrary rules, whatever those may be.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #385981 by Tom-Lutz
toml721 link away.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #385993 by Scotty

Tom-Lutz wrote:  No. I've never learned to post links from one to page to anything.

click on the web address, control + c, then in your post, control + v.  That will copy and paste it.

When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386008 by Tom-Lutz
 OK now when clicking on "web address" what exactly is that ???

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386011 by Tom-Lutz
WELL you're alone in your assessment. I've been told by many my work is very good.  SO STICK IT. 

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386013 by garyrhook

Tom-Lutz wrote: WELL you're alone in your assessment. I've been told by many my work is very good.  SO STICK IT. 

You started this thread.... why?  I went back to read the original post, and now I'm wondering what the intent was? To bemoan the use of post-processing to improve an image? Or...?

I don't think the above "critique" (using the term loosely) was terribly politic, but then neither was your response. You didn't ask for any commentary on your work so I wouldn't presume to give any.

I truly would like to understand what you want to hear from others, though.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386014 by Scotty

Tom-Lutz wrote:  OK now when clicking on "web address" what exactly is that ???

Starting to suspect i'm being trolled.

When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

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10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #386015 by Leilanee

icepics wrote: I also agree on finding other/better contests, I don't get all the convoluted voting, the pictures seem all over the place as far as skill level, and the Viewbug terms are not anything I'd agree to anyway.

Yeah, the voting system is dumb but usually there are judges who choose their favourite, then there a "People's Choice" winner as well.....
However, I think the judges get their selection from the top 50-or-so most voted so it may be a flawed system altogether

@Tom: From looking through your portfolio, from what I'm assuming are the originals over to the edits, it seems that you have a bit of a misguided grasp of "editing".

I think people who aren't very familiar with photography put a bad name to it because they perceive an "edit" as something that has been altered beyond recognition.  This is not the case, however, and editing should be viewed as an enhancement of characteristics that are already there.  Editing isn't about using photoshop to "fix" a bad photo, it's about taking a great photo and turning it into an amazing one.
I've already given my opinion on this in a different thread.  To cut out the example I gave using my own work:

For good measure, here's an example of what I was talking about.  A recent photo of mine at an engagement session, SOOC:

Looks alright for a SOOC.  Nothing extremely wrong with it.  But here's how it looked after some processing:

10 minutes and it's now something I'm even more proud of.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386017 by Tom-Lutz
 I got the  point I was doing too "Vote gathering" that I had no time for anything else. Facebook friends and twitter contacts were getting me no where but somehow I'd still end up in what is called the top 10% trifecta.   Viewbug isn't the largest, as they claim, or the best on the web. Its not even close. I don't know how they can get away with making that claim.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386018 by Tom-Lutz
 I've seriously never done any of these things. I'm flying blind. Sorry to sound like a troll, I hate them too.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386021 by Tom-Lutz
I am really shocked at how long this post has gone. I never thought this would happen. I simply made a post to vent some things I had on my mind and its taken a life of its own.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386022 by Tom-Lutz
then don't worry about it.  Facebook and twitter had nothing to do with my origional post. Which totally about photo shop and nothing else.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386037 by Tom-Lutz
 NOT that I care, but whose Ansel Adams ?? Never heard of him or most photographers for that matter.
 and I don't see how vote gathering has anything to do with PS Vote gathering is how you win, PS is a short cut.  Some might call it enhancement but all I see is a way that no one else can do something. I've tried PS on some of my photos and I think in most cases it makes the photo look worse.
 ONE black and white photo I did is about the only acception simply because it getting more views fastere than any other of the photos I PS.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386044 by Colourful Photography

Tom-Lutz wrote:  NOT that I care, but whose Ansel Adams ?? Never heard of him or most photographers for that matter.
 and I don't see how vote gathering has anything to do with PS Vote gathering is how you win, PS is a short cut.  Some might call it enhancement but all I see is a way that no one else can do something. I've tried PS on some of my photos and I think in most cases it makes the photo look worse.
 ONE black and white photo I did is about the only acception simply because it getting more views fastere than any other of the photos I PS.

I suggest taking a photoshop course and then seeing if that changes your viewpoint.  People who can't photoshop (or aren't very good at it) will often share your viewpoint.

Since you "tried PS on some of my photos and I think in most cases it makes the photo look worse."  it seems to suggest (and really NO OFFENSE) you're not very good at photoshop.  Don't blame the tools my friend.  Photography is a process.

P.S. Ansel Adams is one of the most famous landscape photographers of all time.  He processed a lot.

"He manipulated the work tremendously in the darkroom" (you might call this cheating, but Photoshop is the modern darkroom).

"He (Ansel Adams) always said the negative (RAW these days) is the equivalent of the composers score and the print is the equivalent of the conductors performance." 

Which tells us Ansel Adams would have been all over photoshop, using it like a pro.  Don't hate the tools.  It's not cheating, it's part of the process.

I'm colour blind, but it doesn't keep me from exploring the wonderfully colourful world around us. :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: rtenny
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