Sad day for me

10 years 3 weeks ago #386050 by Tom-Lutz
you said that you said that you said that. 

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386051 by Scotty

Tom-Lutz wrote: you said that you said that you said that. 

I think we broke tom.

When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386053 by Tom-Lutz
or just scratched  good night.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386055 by Stealthy Ninja
Well I think we all learnt something today...
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10 years 3 weeks ago #386072 by Leilanee

Stealthy Ninja wrote: Well I think we all learnt something today...

We did?

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386101 by Tanner Bello
Well at the end of the day, do what YOU feel is right for your photography.   ;)

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386108 by garyrhook

Tom-Lutz wrote:  NOT that I care, but whose Ansel Adams ?? Never heard of him or most photographers for that matter.

Based on your photographs I am guessing you are from somewhere in the UK.

But still, really?

 and I don't see how vote gathering has anything to do with PS Vote gathering is how you win, PS is a short cut.  Some might call it enhancement but all I see is a way that no one else can do something. I've tried PS on some of my photos and I think in most cases it makes the photo look worse.
 ONE black and white photo I did is about the only acception simply because it getting more views fastere than any other of the photos I PS.

With all due respect, and not intending to be insulting, but this belies a great deal of ignorance.  PS is hardly a short cut, and most of the time PS requires more time and skill than taking the shot in the first place. If your efforts are unsuccessful then the logical conclusion is that the initial image did not require any work, it could not be improved by editing, or you do not yet possess the skills to effectively use PS.

Image editing is a tool, and always has been. If you do not care for the results, that's perfectly valid. But instead of decrying others' use of certain tools, perhaps you could focus on the end result. You don't like their images, that's okay. Nothing wrong with that.

I note that you continue to avoid responding to any of my posts or questions, so I'll move to the "trolling" camp.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386111 by boriqua latina

Tom-Lutz wrote:  I finally broke down and did it. I used this site's controls and photo shopped several of my photos to see what would happen.  I hate photo shopping. To me its nothing but cheating but it seems to be the only way to win anything on this site. I just had a great photo take off like a rocket after I posted it and not I'm wondering what if I destroyed it with P.S. ?? 

Tom if you hate photoshop why go ahead and do it ... Practice what you preach !

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386175 by Tom-Lutz
 Because I'd like to get more recognition from this site and the contests it has.  IF I have to learn to photo shop then so be it.IF you can't beat them join them.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386176 by Tom-Lutz
I thought I did answer your questions. I've so busy answering everyone else some how your questions got lost in the shuffle, sorry for that. I've considered deleting the whole post and just for getting I ever brought it up. I never thought there'd be this much response to the subject. 

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386177 by Tom-Lutz
where I'm from ? Columbus, OHIO. I've never been out side the U.S. yet. Its on my bucket list.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386197 by garyrhook

Tom-Lutz wrote: I thought I did answer your questions. I've so busy answering everyone else some how your questions got lost in the shuffle, sorry for that. I've considered deleting the whole post and just for getting I ever brought it up. I never thought there'd be this much response to the subject. 

Well, perhaps we can call it a baptism by fire. You just happened to land on a polarizing subject.

And it turns out you can't delete a thread here. Ever. It is now here for posterity.

So PT is where the forum for VB resides. If you want to discuss the merits of PS, or an image, you come here. If you want accolades and "likes" and what-not, you go there. It's 2 separate sites with an agreement between them.

If you want to discuss a particular image, either add it to the forum, here, or provide a link to it.  Best to upload it here. There's a post above that discusses which of those little widgets (in the editor) will help you. Unless your browser is being a pain.  Also, you would want to go to the proper subject area in the photo galleries section.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #386212 by Tom-Lutz
 MY Avitar is one of my photos, I simply used because over at  VB its one my most popular and viewed pics I have. I did a slight revamp of it giving a little more color , simply brightening it up a lit. So far its gone no where in likes. A few of the revamps I did have started to really take off so I deleted the origional because the revamp surpassed it. I wish I could send those photos over here but once the water mark is on its stuck over there till deleted.

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10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #386226 by Stealthy Ninja

garyrhook wrote:

Tom-Lutz wrote: I thought I did answer your questions. I've so busy answering everyone else some how your questions got lost in the shuffle, sorry for that. I've considered deleting the whole post and just for getting I ever brought it up. I never thought there'd be this much response to the subject. 

Well, perhaps we can call it a baptism by fire. You just happened to land on a polarizing subject.

And it turns out you can't delete a thread here. Ever. It is now here for posterity.

So PT is where the forum for VB resides. If you want to discuss the merits of PS, or an image, you come here. If you want accolades and "likes" and what-not, you go there. It's 2 separate sites with an agreement between them.

If you want to discuss a particular image, either add it to the forum, here, or provide a link to it.  Best to upload it here. There's a post above that discusses which of those little widgets (in the editor) will help you. Unless your browser is being a pain.  Also, you would want to go to the proper subject area in the photo galleries section.

LOL I've been at PT since it began pretty much and I had no idea that view bug's forum is Photography Talk.

According to Viewbug: 

We’ve been listening to your feedback, well prepare to be engaged! We have partnered up to run photography forums hosted by our pals at PhotographyTalk!
PhotographyTalk host a wide variety of engaging and exciting forums for photographers. PhotographyTalk Forums, give photographers a true peer-to-peer interactive environment. These forums provide photographers of all experience levels with the tools and resources to become more successful photographers
Click on the button below to be redirected!

So yeah, pretty much a different deal all together.  That's why when you said "this site" we didn't know that you were talking about VB.
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10 years 3 weeks ago #386238 by Tom-Lutz

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