Small things that annoy you thread

13 years 1 month ago #79333 by Ziggy
What small things that occur or just happen and annoy you?

I'll start :)
There is a small burger place here locally that makes the best turkey and avocado burgers, but has some serious morons working for them. Literally it's about 40% of the time my order is screwed up from them. Most of the time I will check and have them fixed. I just got back from picking up my late lunch and was on the phone when I picked up my order so I didn't check till now. :blink: completely wrong order! It's not even a turkey burger! :huh:

If the burgers weren't so good I would have told them to hit the road long ago.

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13 years 1 month ago #79365 by effron
One lane, no way to pass, car in front of me doing 35 in a 55mph zone......chatting and texting. Kerchunk, bang!.......:angry:

Why so serious?
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The following user(s) said Thank You: MommaGator, mstrozewski, redneckphotos
13 years 1 month ago #79397 by TheNissanMan

effron wrote: One lane, no way to pass, car in front of me doing 35 in a 55mph zone......chatting and texting. Kerchunk, bang!.......:angry:

Get a faster car to overtake :)

For me asking for something to be done for em to chase repeatedly to get it done!

13 years 1 month ago #79451 by chasrich
People that waste my time... Scene: McBurger King counter. I pull a twenty from my pocket and straighten the bill which tears in half. I ask the girl if she can still take it? She examines the bill and thinks the two halves are not fitting perfectly together. I ask again can you accept this currency of the realm? I'll check, she says!

The assistant supervisor in charge of currency examines the bill. I point out that the serial numbers match and that the bill tore right in front of their employee. A determination is made that the two pieces do indeed match but there is a small piece apparently missing. There is still some concerns over this so the grand poohbah of the place is summoned. HE is the quality assurance officer in the French fry department. Now this guy carries some weight! The tear is examined again and the numbers compared. The two halves are now held up to the light and examined scientifically. Next I am examined, a visual frisk determines I am most likely unarmed and not likely to cause any violence (they were wrong on both of these items by now) so I am told that this could be accepted IF it were taped together with scotch tape. I asked if they had any tape available, perhaps in the office? No, they sell burgers and fries - sorry no tape!

“Amateurs worry about equipment, professionals worry about money, masters worry about light, I just make pictures… ” ~ Vernon Trent
13 years 1 month ago #79455 by MommaGator
Dealing with drivers on the highway is one of the most annoying things I can think of. Driving in the Houston causes me to say bad words often.
13 years 1 month ago #79597 by effron

TheNissanMan wrote:

effron wrote: One lane, no way to pass, car in front of me doing 35 in a 55mph zone......chatting and texting. Kerchunk, bang!.......:angry:

Get a faster car to overtake :)

I have plenty of vehicle, and I would rather run them off the road......

Why so serious?
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13 years 1 month ago #79599 by John Ledder
When you get a soft drink and they give you 80% ice and rest soft drink

When you get a burrito that is so over stuffed that the shell breaks

Family, Fishing, Fotography :)
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13 years 1 month ago #79621 by Scotty

When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

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13 years 1 month ago #79639 by Lori G
When someone asks you a question about something you are well-versed in, then argues with you about the answer. If you know the answer, dummy, don't ask me! :rolleyes

13 years 1 month ago #79651 by Johnnie
When you are having a conversation with someone and someone else joins in and monopolizes the conversation!

13 years 1 month ago #79737 by Stealthy Ninja
(Not aimed at anyone except the person I'm talking about)

13 years 1 month ago #79785 by Stealthy Ninja

Scotty wrote: Clams.

The colour soft magenta.
13 years 1 month ago #79787 by Scotty

Stealthy Ninja wrote:

Scotty wrote: Clams.

The colour soft magenta.


When the last candle has been blown out
and the last glass of champagne has been drunk
All that you are left with are the memories and the images-David Cooke.

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13 years 1 month ago #79789 by Stealthy Ninja

Scotty wrote:

Stealthy Ninja wrote:

Scotty wrote: Clams.

The colour soft magenta.


Those plastic magnets on the fridge.
13 years 1 month ago #79979 by Mah and PaH
People who tail gate




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