Best Video Recording Glasses [Updated 2021]

Best Video Recording Glasses [Updated 2021]  photo by Deagreez via iStock Video recording glasses used to be the coolest thing, until Google’s product, the Google Glass, was truly terrible and overpriced. But, are video recording glasses making a comeback? Facebook seems to think so.  The company is pairing up with Ray...

Tips for Better DSLR Video

Tips for Better DSLR Video  photo by welcomia via iStock One of the best features of modern DSLRs is their video recording capabilities. And while some DSLRs offer better video specs than others, with these tips, you can improve the quality of the videos you produce in short order. From getting the right...

Innovative Camera Accessories You Need in Your Bag

Innovative Camera Accessories You Need in Your Bag   photo by rdonar via iStock Let’s face it… There are more photography gadgets available today to make photography an easier task than at any point in history. Our cameras do more, our lenses are more capable, heck, even today’s tripods have innovative features that make...

Top 5 Camera Sling Bags

Top 5 Camera Sling Bags I'm a big fan of sling bags because they fit my run-and-gun style of photography so well. I like that I can quickly access my gear - much more quickly than with a backpack - and I like having a back that isn't overly huge and obtrusive. And while some people will say that sling bags fatigue...